The AANPCB Examinations are entry-level, competency-based examinations for nurse practitioners reflective of nurse practitioner knowledge and expertise for each of the following specialties:
Candidates taking these computer-based examinations receive a preliminary result of Pass/Not Pass status at the time of testing. Written score notification and a certificate with authorization to use NP-C credentials will follow via postage mail once all requirements for certification have been met. Candidates who meet the requirements and successfully pass the appropriate certification examination to become certified by AANPCB are qualified to use the credential NP-C (Nurse Practitioner-Certified) to indicate their certification status. NP-C is the registered trademark of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board, Inc.
Certification is granted for 5-year periods. The certification renewal process provides both the process to validate a certification and a mechanism to assure the public that nurse practitioners certified by AANPCB have met current professional standards of qualifications and knowledge for practice required to maintain certification as a Nurse Practitioner.
Failure to update your online profile and email address amay result in not receiving important information, such as status of an application, program changes, or renewal notices. Certificants subscribe to the Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners and the Standards of Practice for Nurse Practitioners established by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) and the Advanced Practice Nurses Scope of Practice established by the American Nurses Association.