AANPCB has partnered with the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) to provide an innovative way for AANP members to easily share CE Tracker activities with AANPCB. To update your AANPCB Data Sharing Agreement, log in to your AANP Account and click the box "Share CEs with AANPCB (Certification)" under My Education. Your continuing education data will be electronically accessible to AANPCB for review of your certification and recertification applications. For more information about this valuable tool, please visit your AANP Member Account.
While streamlining the CE review process, it is important to note the data-sharing tool does not replace the requirement of submitting a certification or recertification application with AANPCB. When completing the recertification application, NPs are not required to upload CE certificates or a tracker; however, they must document 100 advanced practice CE contact hours completed within their current 5-year certification period; of those, 25 CEs need to be advanced pharmacology. AANP Members can document their CE tracker as a single entry in the Continuing Education section of their recertification application. Once the renewal application is submitted, AANPCB will access the CE tracker via AANP for review.
Please note AANPCB and AANP are separate entities, updating your information with one agency does not update the information within the other agency. Discover the history of our organizations.
For questions about the certification or recertification application, watch our instructional videos or email us at certification@aanpcert.org.