January 2013 - AANPCP endorses the implementation of the national Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: LACE (Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education). Initially proposed in 2008, the APRN Consensus Regulatory Model is endorsed by more than 45 national nursing organizations.
Full implementation of the Model is anticipated by 2015. The Model's goal is uniformity and coordination among those entities involved with the Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education of APRNs in general. The transitions will benefit APRNs, as well as the patient populations we care for across the country.
As the certifying body for more than 40,000 primary care nurse practitioners, AANPCP will continue to be an active participant in the discussions and implementation of the regulatory Model. AANPCP will continue to offer competency-based National Certification Examinations for graduates of accredited masters, post-graduate, and doctoral level adult, family, and adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioner programs.
AANPCP's Certification and Recertification requirements will continue to reflect, validate, and protect our Certificant's qualifications, competencies, and credentials. Changes affecting AANPCP's National Certification program are underway as we prepare for full implementation of the APRN Consensus Model. The retirement of our Gerontological Nurse Practitioner Certification Examination is one example.
Information and resources about the Consensus Model is available for nurse practitioners, health care providers, employers, and the general public regarding such important issues as: APRN roles, population foci, scope-of-practice, grandfathering, competencies, and rationales. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF), and the APRN-Lace Network are three (3) excellent resources. Applicants and Certificants are encouraged to visit State Board of Nursing's websites on a regular basis to stay current with individual state's regulatory changes affecting NP's practice and licensure.
Because the transition directly impacts our certificants and candidates, AANPCP encourages you to become informed about the Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: LACE. You are encouraged to create, or update your contact information, on your AANPCP Online Profile. Please visit our website often for more information.